Intelligent Chatbot
Free 30-day trial No Coding required

01. Introduction
The chatbot The chatbot outlines its ability to assist and be helpful during the user's experience on the site.
02. Clarification Through Questions
TelosChat asks targeted questions based on the service category chosen, ensuring that the subsequent advice or information will be as relevant as possible.
03. Personalized Information Delivery
Based on the answers to these questions, the chatbot provides tailored suggestions, which may include construction cost estimates, recommended projects, or special offers.
04. Requesting Contact Information Collection
After demonstrating its value through personalized suggestions, TelosChat requests contact details, converting the visitor into a prospective lead and laying the groundwork for future communication and engagement.
Why Telos Chat?
Our Advantages
Industry Expertise
We're not just tech-savvy; we're construction-savvy. Our specialization in construction companies enables us to tailor solutions that amplify website conversions and elevate sales performance.

Smart Tech, Smart Answers
TelosChat employs cutting-edge artificial intelligence algorithms, ensuring that the responses are not just accurate but also tailored to the unique aspects of your construction business.

Conversion-Driven Approach
We prioritize your bottom line. Our focus isn't just to guide visitors around your website; it's to transform them into paying customers by enhancing your site’s conversion rate.

Our chatbot can serve as a fully functional landing page, complete with domain integration, eliminating the need for separate website development.

Tailored Project Recommendations

TelosChat recommends ready-made house projects that align with visitor preferences, streamlining the decision-making process.

Direct Manager Access
Forget automated answers for complex queries. Visitors have the option to connect directly with a company manager right through the widget.

Cost Calculator

TelosChat estimates construction costs based on parameters set by the owners, providing an initial cost idea and laying the groundwork for more detailed conversations and project planning.

In-Depth Analytics

Your personal account offers more than just cursory insights. Benefit from comprehensive statistics that cover both visitor behavior and conversion metrics.

TelosChat provides access to your portfolio, special offers, and contact information, making it easier for visitors to discover what you offer.

Effortless Navigation

Why settle for generic? Choose from our array of templates or delve into advanced customization options to make the widget a true extension of your brand.

Your Website or Your Chatbot
Design that Reflects You

Architectural firms
Interior design studios
Companies providing individual construction services
Apartment renovation companies